New User Registration

Solid State Squad Rules of Engagement

Please read these rules carefully before continuing.

In the interests of maintaining the enjoyability of the site for everyone, here's a few simple dos and don'ts. To keep things fair we may have to remove or disable your account if you break the rules below, so please try to follow them. In the event of any discrepancy between the various translations of the site, the English version is the official one.

Got all that? Great. Let's sign you up!

Confirm password:
Popper Name (for ranking):
Email address:
Properly formed URLs, please!
Controller Type
Bot Test:*
Romanize song titles where possible for me.
Hide song banner thumbnails to speed things up.

*To prove you're a human and not a spam bot, please enter the full name of the game this site ranks scores for in the box marked "Bot Test".